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Consideration of Home Rule

In the State of Colorado, municipalities typically consider a transition to Home Rule once their population surpasses 2000 residents, or once the scale of local commerce creates a need for local solutions that may vary from what is provided statewide. The Town of Erie has been considering a movement towards a Home Rule town structure for as long as I have been a resident (13 years). It has been delayed for a number of reasons, mostly that the public needs to be made aware of what Home Rule is, what it isn't, why it is of benefit to Erie, and what process would be required to establish the new government structure.

Home Rule enables our Town to enact laws that make the most sense for our local jurisdiction. It also enables our Town to collect our own Sales tax revenue. When Home Rule was first considered, the amount of revenue from Retail commerce in our town was less than 15% of what it is today. The voters (not the Town Government Elected Officials or Staff) will be charged with determining the members of the Home Rule Charter Commission. Once convened, they will work with a consulting firm that helps municipalities in writing their Town Charter and help solicit feedback from the public on behalf of the Commission. This is a lengthy process (likely 6 months), as it should be an intentional analysis of what we have in our current town charter, what is is the state legislation, and how would we wish to tailor this for our town. Once the process is complete, the draft charter will be published for the public to view, and it will go to a ballot for approval. If approved, it will take effect. If not, it will go back for revision and likely more public input. Also, if approved, all elected officials will have to seek re-election, as there will effectively be a new government structure.

The idea is that Erie gets to decide what is best for Erie.


Friends of Justin Brooks/Registered Agent Justin Brooks
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