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Public Safety & Mental Health

Over the past couple of years, I have been privileged to have worked with the Erie Police Department and the Town of Erie in a few different capacities. I have been able to get an inside look at the culture of the department as well as the training that is provided, which taught me that the true mark of a department that is "doing it right" is one that has the level of transparency, accountability and service that we enjoy in Erie.

  • As the Team Lead for the Erie Police Directives Task Force, a team of Erie Citizens from various backgrounds and viewpoints reviewed hundreds of pages of policy directives, and held intentional discussions to determine whether there were any potential improvements to the way that our department is charged with conducting their duties. We were able to identify two significant opportunities for the department in the areas of co-responders and public affairs. I was able to successfully lobby the Town Board of Trustees on behalf of our task force to add funding for a full-time Co-Responder, who can provide assistance with resident in crisis calls that are more appropriate for counseling support rather than criminal investigation. I was also able to successfully lobby for a dedicated Public Information Officer, which enables a more proactive approach to public affairs and community outreach.
  • As a member of the Professional Standards Review Panel, I was able to provide review and feedback of Internal Affairs investigations that are filed either by the public or from within our department. This process certainly provided a window into the ethical and moral standards that are held in such high regard among the law enforcement officers that we entrust with our community safety.
  • As the President of the Being Better Neighbors non-profit organization, I have worked in partnership with the Police Department and Town on multiple public town hall style meetings, which have served to bring awareness to items of concern to our residents.

Erie remains one of the safest communities in the country and our Police Department serves as a model for community partnership. 

Friends of Justin Brooks/Registered Agent Justin Brooks
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