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Sustainable Growth

A decade ago, our town revenue was largely supported by the construction of single family homes and oil exploration fees. At some point, the town will be fully built-out and there will be no new/large-scale planned developments. Given the proximity to major thoroughfares and demand for taxable goods within the Town of Erie, retail sales has proven to be a major source of revenue, creating sustainability in town budgets long after development and oil & gas operations wind down.

Erie has come to be known for our spectacular mountain sunset views, as well as for the excellent parks and open spaces. Though we could use balanced development to bring in retail, employers and more affordable housing, we do not want to overdevelop the town and cease to be good stewards of our natural landscape. Supporting practices that minimize impacts to natural resources while expanding and revitalizing the existing network of parks, trails and open spaces will serve to preserve the natural elements that we all enjoy.

As our community grows, it is important that those drawn to the area are able to see themselves as permanent and welcomed participants in the town. That said, as diversity of our residents increases, it will be necessary to proactively serve to create a community where equity and inclusion are naturally a part of our town culture. Residents should be made to feel respected, included and valued, regardless of their culture, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other self-identifiers. Through our concerted EDI efforts, we will enrich our community building a stronger and more sustainable Erie.


Friends of Justin Brooks/Registered Agent Justin Brooks
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